5 Reasons Why You Might Want to Rethink Your Ink
Some decisions are best left in the past, but with tattoos there’s usually no escaping the shooting star on your ankle or tribal tattoo on your bicep. Luckily, the ink doesn’t have to be totally permanent with the NEW PicoWay picosecond laser from Syneron-Candela.
So if you’re like the 19% of adults with tattoos who cringe at wearing tank tops or shorts because of embarrassing ink, you may identify with one of the top five reasons to get rid of a tattoo:
- You’re getting married: Your dress screams elegance, but an old tattoo does not. You feel as if you’ve outgrown the butterfly on your back, but you don’t exactly want to sport a turtleneck bridal gown.
- You only got it to annoy your parents: Sure, you were 18 and your parents told you NO —all the more reason to go out and get one. Actually, now that you think about it, it was the only reason you got one.
- You broke up with Jared a long time ago: It’s been years since Jared was special, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at his name scrawled around your ring finger. And you’re so done with dating Jared's.
- You never really liked it: You had it done on a dare and your choice of tattoo artists was well, questionable. The quality wasn’t exactly what you were expecting, so maybe it’s finally time to trade up.
- Your lifestyle has changed: Who you were years ago when you got that tattoo no longer represents who you are today. Maybe you’ve gotten a new job or had a few kids. Today, let’s focus on the new you.
PicoWay works on the widest range of tattoos and ink colors on all skin types, even on faded tattoos, which are traditionally difficult to get rid of. The fast, safe, and less painful treatment clears tattoos in as few as 3 to 4 quick treatments, instead of the 12 or more it used to take.
What’s the secret? PicoWay’s ultra-short, ultra-fast pulses (a trillionth of a second) shatter pigmentation from the ink into tinier particles that are easier for the body to eliminate.
“PicoWay erases tattoos from a person’s skin and memory,” says Dr. Tina Alster, Director of the Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery in Washington, D.C. “It produces faster results than similar lasers and can safely treat a wide range of skin types and tattoo ink colors.”