Try This Workout Anywhere Routine From "Work Out New York" Star Layla Luciano

 Layla Luciano photo via  Facebook

No gym, no problem. Fitness expert and star of Bravo's "Work Out New York trainer Layla Luciano. Famous for her intense training style the fitness phenom gives us a routine you can do just about anywhere with your own body weight. So no excuses, let's get to work!

Not only is this exercise to do at home or on the road and it will help you stay committed to your 2016 goals. 

Start with 10 Reps of Walk the Plank:

Start in forearm plank, then walk up onto plank on hands and repeat from forearms to hands, keeping your body as stable and controlled as possible. 

Need to modify? If the plank walk is too much to begin with then you can start by performing this on your knees.

Want more?

End in a plank on firearms and roll over into a hollow body. Continue with 10 jacknifes, a 10 second jacknife hold then roll back over into plank and repeat from step 1 ! 

Want more Layla? Tune into Bravo's Work Out New York This Sunday at 9PM EST. 

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