Fertility Facts: Know More. Start Asking. Campaign during National Infertility Awareness Week
Janet Jackson is almost 50 and pregnant. She is not the only high profile woman to be in the news for a "later in life" pregnancy. We're sure you have heard people talk about how having a baby later in life is easy, so long as you’re healthy and in good shape. Or, that issues with fertility are usually the woman’s fault. These are just a few of the many myths about fertility and why Ferring Pharmaceuticals has launched Fertility Facts: Know More. Start Asking. This new campaign, created in collaboration with the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) and RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, encourages people to learn the important facts about fertility by establishing an open dialogue with a trusted physician on the topic.
Fertility Facts features the participation of Bobbie Thomas, a fashion and beauty expert known by many as the Style Editor for NBC’s TODAY Show, who herself has struggled with infertility. To kick off the campaign, Bobbie invited two women diagnosed with infertility to New York to receive style makeovers and to talk candidly about their experiences, common myths and the importance of a good support system. A behind-the-scenes look of their day together is featured on www.myfertilityfacts.com.
“When my husband and I decided to start a family, I didn’t anticipate how difficult it would be. I planned for so many things in my professional life, but it hadn’t occurred to me to plan for my personal dreams as well,” Bobbie Thomas said. “It’s never too early to start having conversations about fertility and to find a trusted doctor who can provide you with the real facts and help you make the best decisions, whether you’re planning to start a family now, or think you may want to in the future.”
Want to learn more about Bobbie's journey? Watch here:
Survey Provides Insight on Common Fertility Myths
As part of the Fertility Facts campaign, RESOLVE fielded a survey to better understand the current dialogue around infertility. Results showed that:
- People going through infertility are talking more openly about their struggle, with 68 percent indicating they feel comfortable talking with others.
- However, the majority (71 percent) indicated it was hard to distinguish the facts about fertility from the many myths and misperceptions.
- About two thirds of respondents (66 percent) indicated that fertility potential was not something they discussed with their OB/GYN before trying to get pregnant.
- More than half (60 percent) did not know what types of questions to ask their doctors when they felt like they were having trouble getting or staying pregnant.
“We are always heartened to hear people who are dealing with infertility share their experience,” said Barbara Collura, President/CEO of RESOLVE. “As we continue to encourage open dialogue, we need to ensure that people have accurate information to guide these important discussions.”
For more resources visit the campaign website: www.myfertilityfacts.com. The site includes an interactive quiz to test fertility knowledge, information on common fertility myths and the actual facts, tips for speaking with doctors about fertility and resources to support a friend or loved one facing infertility.
“When we talk to patients about fertility, we do often find that they have a lot of information, but it’s not always accurate,” said Owen Davis, MD, President of ASRM. “It’s so important that we give patients good resources to help facilitate better discussions with their physicians and ultimately to help them make informed decisions about building or expanding their families.”
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