Green & Clear: Natural Skincare Tackles Acne and Finally WINS with Zyderma HS

By Jennifer Ross

PREDICAMENT: I have been a big champion of organic/natural beauty ever since my good ‘ole days at Sephora. However, it has always been a challenge for me to find a product both “clean” and cogent enough to help tame my breakouts. Throughout the years, everything I have tried has either been too bland and inefficient, or too abrasive causing varying levels of irritation to my skin. The tricky thing about naturals is that they are so potent because they are in their purest form, so when they are not properly produced they may cause sensitivities to already delicate skin, thus defeating the purpose of using such a product in the first place. 

SOLUTION: Thankfully my search is over, for I have found a true skin savior in Zyderma HS, $59.95, available online and in-stores nationwide. (Enter moi in a QVC inspired commercial wearing a grin from ear to ear holding a bottle of Zyderma HS just close enough to my face WITHOUT it actually touching my face.)

REASON: Founded and formed in Canada, Zyderma HS is the first and only product in North America to utilize MicroSilver BG™. For all of you ingredient obsessed folks out there like myself, Microsilver BG™ is a patented ingredient that forms an impenetrable mesh-like barrier on the skin, protecting it from environmental toxins whilst balancing the microflora at the same time. This clarifying yet hydrating cream contains only six ingredients that are all eco-certified and is cruelty, nano, and vegan free as well.

 via Zyderma

EXPERIMENT: After I got my hands on a bottle a few weeks back, I decided to put it to the test on a sizeable, cystic acne bump that I had acquired above my upper lip a few days prior. (Sans the glamour of a Cindy Crawford beauty mark)


The next am I ran to the mirror like a kid on Christmas morning (like many beauty junkies do after an over-night trial of a brand new product) to find that my not-so- little cystic friend had gone down in redness and size. Three days later it was barely visible to the naked eye.

SECOND EXPERIMENT: I also decided to try Zyderma HS out on an early spring string from an unidentified insect I found along the right-side side of my jawline a day after “Crawford-Gate,” without fully realizing that this formula works on bug bites as well. In fact, this cure-all tends to many other problematic skin issues including but not limited to rosacea, dermatitis, and psoriasis. Needless to say, three days later my wound was completely gone.

VERDICT: If you’re a green livin’ type of person who struggles with any number of skin issues, Zyderma HS is the most gentle, yet effective product you will come across and find immediate results with.

Learn more on the Zyderma website. 

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