Celebrating Culture: Spotify’s Soundtrack de Mi Vida
Spotify, gathered media and influencers together last Friday, October 13, for a special,
one-night only, artistic installation event: “Soundtrack de Mi Vida: Sound Capsules.”
The pop-up event focused on giving a larger voice to the relevant, timely issues facing
Latin Americans today that stemmed from Spotify’s campaign, “Soundtrack de Mi Vida.”
The campaign featured playlists developed by Latin celebrity influencers, and audio-
liners where they shared their personal antidotes of the successes and struggles they
face in America today.
“Soundtrack de Mi Vida” playlists were brought to life at the event through “Sound
Capsules” - artistic interpretations of the diverse pertinent issues brought under the
spotlight during the campaign, such as the crisis in Venezuela, the struggles of
immigrants, DREAMers, gender inequality and limited rights for the LGTBQ community.
Guests were moved by the physical representations of these struggles and successes, as
they simultaneously audibly embraced the celebrity influencers’ playlists through
provided headsets.
Two of the “Soundtrack de Mi Vida” celebrity influencers, Carmen Carrera, a television
personality, model, actress, and LGBTQ activist and award-winning “Orange is the New
Black” actor and gender equality LatinX ambassador, Jackie Cruz joined in the evening
with other influencers, media and Spotify executives.
Spotify users can still join the conversation by curating their own “Soundtrack de Mi
Vida” playlists and by sharing a link to their playlist and their personal stories on social
media using the hashtag #SoundtrackdeMiVida on social.