At Home Skin Care Devices: Are They A Bust, A Boon Or Just Burning A Hole In Your Wallet?
Palovia Skin Renewing Laser ($499,
What it is: An at-home anti-aging system with a device that pulses laser light into skin around the eyes. The user applies a gel, and then holds the laser device to the skin around each eye briefly.
The claim: "The first FDA-cleared, at-home laser clinically proven to reduce fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes."
Dr. Lee’s Verdict: The before and after pictures on their website are impressive, but no where on the website can a physician or consumer learn what laser wavelength this device uses. After some extensive searching, Dr. Lee finally found the laser specifications at the end of the instruction booklet. This laser is called a "non-ablative fractional laser" which means it is not supposed to damage the surface of the skin (i.e. no downtime) and only treats a portion of the skin. Dr. Lee explains that, “Non ablative fractional lasers are supposed to heat small columns of the deeper skin layers to promote new collagen production, plump the skin and minimize wrinkles. At 1410 nm wavelength which is in the infrared part of the spectrum, this laser is essentially generating heat in an area, with the hope of triggering collagen formation. Dr. Lee surmises that, “Heat is causing a little swelling and increased blood flow to the area causing the wrinkles to improve temporarily.” Although the skin may appear more radiant, Dr. Lee is doubtful if this is having any long term or permanent effects.
DDF Revolve 400X Micro-Polishing System ($95,
What it is: Included in the box are the hand-held DDF micro-polisher tool, two foam-applicator attachments, a deep cleansing brush attachment, polishing crystals and batteries. For a microdermabrasion treatment, you're instructed to massage the crystals into the face with the micro-polisher tool with the foam applicator, then rinse and wash.
The claim: "A breakthrough device that delivers microdermabrasion results that are as effective as a professional treatment. After just one microdermabrasion treatment, see immediate improvement in pore appearance, skin tone and evenness, fine lines, skin clarity, brightness, and radiance."
Dr. Lee’s Verdict: As Dr. Lee explains, “With this device one is supposed to massage the crystals into the face with a foam brush, then rinse. This is not the same as true microdermabrasion when you use a vacuum that sprays fine crystals on your skin and immediately vacuums them up. When this is performed by a physician or certified aesthetician, it exfoliates the dry, dead overlying skin cells with the goal of having more bright, clear radiant skin.” Dr. Lee doubts the experience is the same as professional microdermabrasion.
The Tanda Regenerate Anti-Aging Starter Kit or Acne Kit ($250,
What it is: An FDA-cleared New-Age-looking light therapy device that glows red if you buy the anti-aging kit, blue for the acne kit. After you cover your face with the serum or gel, you hold the device for three minutes over each targeted area.
The claim: "A light therapy device combining proven light therapy and botanically-based, light-optimized topicals to provide natural, non-invasive, scientifically proven solutions for common unwanted skin conditions."
What it is: Utilizing LED light therapy, a blue laser light activates porphyry in our skin which leads to the increased destruction of P. acnes, a bacteria that inhabits our acne. By killing these bacteria within the acne it may resolve acne spots sooner. Dr. Lee is quick to point out that, “If you are acne prone, seeing a dermatologist will enable you to get a prescription to lessen the chance of acne break outs in the first place.”
Dr. Lee’s Verdict: Dr. Lee has mixed feelings regarding this system. “My concern is that at physician’s offices and spas there are already an alarmingly high incidence of untoward side effects from laser hair removal- even when treatment is done by a professional. We have seen burns on the skin, which can lead to permanent scarring. If you use this device, use it wisely and don't ignore the warnings. Dr. Lee does caution that, “I can't imagine that this device is as strong and effective as a $100,000 laser at a physician's office. There is a wider range of people that would respond to the professional laser. I think this device would be most useful as a supplement to professional laser hair removal, that it may be most useful in getting rid of the "straggler" hairs that still remain because professional laser hair removal may have been missed a few.”
Clarisonic Opal Sonic Infusion System ($185,
What it is: The makers of the popular Classic and Mia cleansing tools branch out with their Opal Sonic Infusion System, a tool that massages serum directly into the skin.
The claim: "The Opal is specially designed to help build skin's resilience over time and prevent future damage around the eyes."
Dr. Lee’s Verdict: “I have actually used this before, and I questioned the use of "marine botanicals" which sounds like a vague, yet exotic description for ingredients that likely do not remove wrinkles. The devise does vibrate and after treatment you still have this vibration / tingling sensation which may make you think that it is working. If I had this product at home, I would rather apply a retinol to the skin and use this device over it, hoping that the vibration may increase the penetration of a topical that I know has anti-aging properties.”