Spring Beauty: Secrets for Svelte Summer Stems!

undariaSplashWinter is (finally) over. The temperature’s rising and so are our hemlines. It’s time to lose the pants and flash those pins. Bare legs are in; even Andre’s a fan.

Malibu skincare guru Jenefer Palmer shares her tips to achieving sexy summer legs.

Banish dead skin cells with a dry brush. The best thing you can do for your skin is brush every week for 3 to 5 minutes. Dry brushing will smooth out skin and improve circulation by stimulating lymphatic flow and removing body toxins.

b_olivia-wilde-beautifull-black-dressSmooth out unwanted dimples with OSEA’s Anti-Aging Body Balm. It preserves natural skin lipids, limits dehydration trapping and seals water in the outer layer of the epidermis. To tighten skin and restore a healthy glow, apply after bathing when the skin is still moist-- it’s worth the extra few minutes of waiting while it soaks in.

Contour with OSEA’s Undaria Body Polish for bikini-ready legs like Olivia Wilde’s. Undaria Algae prevents the breakdown of hyaluronic acid in the body, which is necessary to keep skin smooth and firm.  Without hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen lose their ‘glue’ and skin sags and wrinkles. 

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