Hollywood Glamour: Every Starlet Has Her Own Style

Hollywood Chic Boutique

Every so often I look to the past for inspiration. My first stop is Old Hollywood! It’s iconic, well documented and usually leads to a Netflix marathon. Here are some women from film with style for days (on and off the set of their timeless films):

Greta Garbo … Dark, Sharp, Minimal. Hints of Androgyny. Strong and Self-Confident.

gg chicThough she shrank from the spotlight, her sense of style wowed the world, and though she may be one of the earliest fashion icons, Greta Garbo is in some ways the most modern. In spite of her character’s elaborate costumes, she favored casual minimalism – wearing strands of pearls in public, and in private, a single gold ring.

Elizabeth Taylor … Smartly Sensual. Diamonds and Statement Pieces. Bold, Bright, and Never, Ever Boring.

elizabeth_taylorAbove all else, Elizabeth Taylor knew two things: 1) How to put on a show, and 2), How, with the right attitude, to make anything look fabulous. Derek Blasberg of Harper’s Bazaar put it best: “She made wheelchairs red-carpet accessories, worked a tracheotomy scar at the Oscars, and showed off that even silver hair can be gorgeous.”

Grace Kelly … Cool and Classic. Pearls and Subtle, Expensive Details. Poise and Absolute Elegance.

grace kellyAs movie star or Princess of Monaco, Grace Kelly epitomized that high society look and made it drop-dead gorgeous. For her, style was all about using subtle details and accessories to give that million-dollar look to anything she wore.

Marilyn Monroe … Super-Feminine and Sexy. Brilliant Color, Brilliant Diamonds. Fantastic Fun.

marilyn-monroe-More than fifty years have passed since her heyday, yet Marilyn Monroe is still hailed as one of the sexiest women in film history. She reveled in her curves and soft femininity, and with her ruby-red lips, platinum-blonde hair, glamorous accessories, and infectious smile, she’s sure to be stand out as a style icon for years to come.

Audrey Hepburn … Effortless and Chic. Elevation of Everyday Elements. Simplicity and Line.

audrey hepburnAudrey Hepburn may not have had the bright hair and voluptuous curves trendy in her time, but that didn’t stop her. She was all about discovering her own tastes, accentuating her strengths, and making fashion work for her. The result? She helped put Givenchy on the map and practically invented the little black dress.

Who are some of your fashion icons?

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