Health Yourself: Simplify Your Supplements

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of NUTRILITE®.
Did you know eight out of 10 adults do not get the recommended number of servings of fruits and vegetables daily?
I know I am not one of them.  As a vegetarian my diet is heavily composed of fruits and veggies, but alas I still need to supplement with calcium, vitamin B12, and iron.
Often I go to health food and specialty stores for supplements but am overwhelmed with where to start!  You could pace up and down aisle of a store or scroll through pages online going from A to Zinc.
I was delighted when I was invited to use the NUTRILITE® Supplement Recommender,  an easy-to-use scientifically-based tool that identifies tailored options for supplementation.

The NUTRILITE® Supplement Recommender eliminates the guess work by offering a credible way to know which supplements are best for your lifestyle.
I answered questions about my lifestyle like:

Are you currently taking a multivitamin or multimineral supplement?
How many fruits and vegetables do you eat daily? One serving is the size of a baseball (fresh) or a glass (juice).
How would you describe your diet?

Nutrilite Supplement Recommender PMSDuring this process I was able to learn health facts too (in the sidebar).
Some of that caught my attention include:

At least one in three women and one in five men age over 50 will suffer a fracture caused by weak bones. (Ouch!)
Your digestive tract normally contains about 400 types of probiotic bacteria that reduce the growth of harmful bacteria. (Ick!)
Studies show that approximately 41% of the population lacks sufficient vitamin D, particularly African-Americans and Hispanics. (This was surprising.)
Frequent traveling exposes us to many viruses and bacteria. Phytonutrients help support a healthy immune system and help keep us feeling healthy.  (Yikes!)

Tracking Pixel I like that Nutrilite recognizes dietary restriction and offers a range of vegetarian-friendly, certified kosher and halal supplements.
The major take away is supplements can help close the phytonutrient (“phyto” is greek for “plant”)  gap between the fruits and vegetables we are eating and the ones we should be eating.

After I answered the questions, I had a list of recommendations just for me!  Oh and of course I had to find recommendations for my loved ones too!

2013-04-07 11.00.14

Now it’s your turn. Contest Time! One grand prize winner will be randomly selected to receive a MyPack Supplement Pack. This prize is valued at $800.00 and includes men’s and women’s pack, perfect pack, heart health, immunity health, bone health and healthy aging supplements.
The giveaway will run from December 2 at midnight EST to December 9 at midnight EST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of NUTRILITE®.

Take charge of your health and get your Supplement Recommender Results here:

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