3 Common Sun Protection Myths Busted

This is a compensated campaign in collaboration with Neutrogena and Latina Bloggers Connect.

Recently I went on a trip to sunny Los Angeles, California. The one thing I was sure to pack were some new Neutrogena SPF products. Why? Because I am a pale woman of color! I love the great outdoors, sun and fun but as a beauty insider I have seen skin ravaged by the power of the sun. Bad sunburns, premature ageing and melanoma cancer are just some of the reasons I believe in safe sun! Also, I want to share news about a fun prize and info filled twitter party on this very topic, but more on that later. 

With the help of Neutrogena I want to debunk some of the most common sun care myths (that many of us still believe). 

Myth #1: Darker skin makes Latinas less susceptible to skin cancer.

Fact: Women of color run the same risks of developing skin cancers and melanomas as fairer-skinned women, contrary to popular belief. There is no natural defense from the sun, even if your skin has a darker color.

 When I first got this hat I thought I would never wear it. Little did I know it would become a statement piece!

This is something I always try to share with my friends and family. In the past, I’ve tanned like no tomorrow, sure my skin tans with ease but it can also burn and get …but for the past 10 years in the beauty biz, I’ve learned so much about SPF and skin that its not worth the risk to me to have a glow…especially now that I can fake it without sacrificing health (via bronzers, self-tanners and a little effort).

Myth #2: It takes years to see the effects of sun damage on my skin.

Fact: Studies have found that marks on your skin such as spots, lines and freckles can appear within weeks of sun exposure. UV rays alter pigment and cause loss of skin elasticity and firmness.

 Sunglasses & SPF are my favorite accessories!

Ha! I get freckles, ‘manchas’ and dark spots almost anytime I am in the sun without sufficient protection. I try to be diligent about daily application but its truly the reapplication that gets me off my spf game. Surveys reveal that more than 70% of Americans do not reapply sunscreen when they are outdoors for long periods of time, despite dermatologists and medical organizations stressing the importance of sunscreen reapplication to prevent sunburn. I like to protect with a spray spf, that can go on even sweaty or wet skin, like the new Neutrogena Wet Skin Sunscreen Spray Broad Spectrum SPF 30.

Myth #3: When you are not in direct sun you have nothing to worry about

Fact: There is a risk of sun damage and skin cancer both indoors and outdoors even if you are not directly exposed to the sun.

 I reapplied SPF to exposed areas during the 7th innning!

Just because the sun isn’t shining brightly, its still out and you are at risk when you expose your skin without protection. Also, remember those rays can peak through clouds. That's why I brought along the new Neutorgena Ultra Sheer Stick Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 70. The unique wide-faced stick is ideal for both face and body, with no messy hands required. Formulated with HELIOPLEX® Technology, a breadth of stabilizing sunscreen technologies that deliver superior protection from UVA/UVB protection.  Its clean, lightweight, non-greasy feel while being water and sweat resistant. 

Additional Facts To Know From The National Cancer Institute

·         Skin cancer is the most prevalent of all cancers. Melanoma, the deadliest form of the disease, is now the second most common cancer in women between the ages of 20 and 29, according to the American Cancer Society. Today there are almost 50% more cases of melanoma in Hispanics than 15 years ago.

·         Skin cancer is less common in women of color but much deadlier. African American women with melanoma are 5 times more likely to die from this condition than Caucasian women.

·         Although Hispanics are less likely than whites to develop melanoma they are more likely to be diagnosed at an earlier age and at an advanced stage, according to the U.S.

·         Skin cancer is almost 100 percent preventable if you start cutting your risk factors and using daily sun protection.

Simply put, there is no excuse for not using sunscreen. The options are endless, from lotion Neutrogena’s Beach Defense line provides beach-strength UVA-UVB protection.

The new sun sticks are perfect for on-the-go application at any time. Small and to spray to stick sunscreens, ideal for those days spent outdoors while the Ultra Sheer line feels clean and light on the skin, ideal for daily protection that can be applied right under makeup.

 Both of these Neutrogena products are great for grown-ups too!

My personal tip: Make SPF application as integral in your daily routine as brushing your teeth, washing your face, or any of your other beauty and grooming habits. 

Now for my TWEEPS! LBC will be hosting two hours throughout the day focused on sun care myths and melanoma.  Please join us for the “Sun Up, Sun Down” Tweet-A-Thon on May 22nd & RSVP for the chance to win a pre-party prizes (Four $25 gift cards): http://bit.ly/SUSDparty at the following hours below:  

Topic:  Sun Protection Myth-Busters: Debunk some of the most common sun care myths

5:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT (2:00 PM – 3:00 PM PDT)

Topic: Melanoma is Colorblind: Sun protection for all skin tones

7:00 PM – 8:00 PM EDT (4:00 PM – 5:00 PM PDT)
